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How To Get Rid of Cockroaches In Texas

Are you trying to get rid of cockroaches in your Texan home? If you have started noticing signs of a cockroach infestation, such as unpleasant odors, roach feces, or live sightings, it’s time to take action immediately. Here are some DIY cockroach control methods to prevent and remove roaches in Texas:

Boric Acid Powder

Found in products like toothpaste and detergent, boric acid powder can be one of the best options to kill cockroaches. Simply sprinkle the powder into the effective area and it will affix to the pest when they walk through. The cockroach will then ingest the powder during eating and cleaning. The downside to this treatment method is it can easily be misapplied and is constantly subject to air currents moving the powder away from the infested area.

Caulking Open Areas

While caulking open areas will not kill the existing roaches, it will prevent further infestation and render the boric acid powder more effective by reducing air currents. Caulk will fill entry points such as wall gaps and tiles, entry holes, and small crevices. You can also use weather stripping on the window seals and doors.

Glue Strips

Sticky traps, also known as glue strips, are a useful tool in combating roach infestations. These traps consist of adhesive surfaces that capture and immobilize roaches upon contact. After inspecting the house, you will know where to strategically place the roach strips—best in high-traffic areas such as along baseboards, behind appliances, by the kitchen sink, or in bathroom cabinets. The glue traps are designed to attract and trap roaches, providing valuable insight into the extent of the infestation. Regularly checking and monitoring the cockroach traps allows you to assess the effectiveness of your pest control efforts and make informed decisions about additional treatment.

Gel Bait

Gel Bait is available in a tube and should be applied in crevices and cracks, under baseboards, in kitchen cabinets, and in areas that attract roaches. Rather than trapping, these cockroach bait stations use a gel that is poisonous to the insects once ingested. The gel roach bait stations are so effective that the result could be numerous dead roaches lying around the house.

Professionals Cockroach Removal

The aforementioned cockroach removal methods may temporarily manage the issue but to truly get rid of cockroaches in Texas, it is best to hire pest management professionals like Alamo Termite & Pest Control for a professional cockroach removal treatment. With one of the best guarantees in the industry, if the roaches are exterminated and return, our experienced exterminators from Fort Worth will come back and take care of the issue. Call us today at 817-754-5559 to schedule a free inspection.

FAQ About Cockroach Removal

There are four common types of cockroaches in Texas – German cockroaches, American cockroaches, Smoky-brown cockroaches, and Oriental cockroaches. These common pests, also known as palmetto bugs, are attracted to a variety of easy food sources, including dirty dishes, pet foods, and trash cans. What’s worse is that they can go months without food or water!

Roach bombs, also known as foggers or insecticide aerosol bombs, can be effective in temporarily reducing the population of roaches. However, their effectiveness may vary depending on the severity of the infestation and the type of roach species present. It’s important to note that roach bombs are not a long-term solution and may not completely eliminate the infestation, as they typically only target adult roaches and not their eggs.

Boric acid powder can be toxic if ingested in large amounts by pets or children. It is important to take precautions and use boric acid with care. Here are some considerations:

  1. Keep out of reach: Store boric acid powder in a secure location that is inaccessible to children and pets.
  2. Limited exposure: Limit exposure by applying boric acid in areas where children and pets cannot access, such as cracks and crevices, behind appliances, or inside cabinets.
  3. Use in controlled amounts: Follow the instructions and recommended dosage when using boric acid. Using excessive amounts can increase the risk of toxicity.
  4. Avoid direct contact: Avoid direct contact with boric acid powder. Wear gloves and use a mask when applying it. Clean up any spills or excess powder immediately.
  5. Monitor children and pets: Keep a close eye on children and pets to ensure they do not come into contact with areas treated with boric acid. If you have concerns, it’s best to restrict their access until the treatment has settled or use alternative methods.

Remember, boric acid can be effective in controlling cockroaches when used responsibly and with caution.

There are several natural methods that you can use to help keep these pests away. Here are some examples:

  1. Peppermint oil: Mix a few drops of peppermint oil with water and spray it in areas where you suspect roach activity.
  2. Catnip: Catnip contains a compound called nepetalactone, which naturally gets rid of roaches. You can sprinkle dried catnip leaves or use catnip sachets in areas where the insects are likely to hide.
  3. Bay leaves: Place whole bay leaves in cabinets, drawers, and other areas prone to infestations.
  4. Cucumber slices: Place cucumber slices or peels near entry points, cabinets, or other areas where roaches are present.
  5. Garlic and onion: Place cloves of garlic or slices of onion in infested areas or create a spray by blending garlic or onion with water and spraying it around.
  6. Borax: While not a natural ingredient, borax is a mineral compound that can be an effective natural roach deterrent. Sprinkle a thin layer of borax powder in problem areas, but be cautious to keep it out of reach of children and pets.

Remember, while these natural deterrents can help reduce the roach population to some extent, they may not eliminate an existing infestation. It’s important to combine these methods with proper cleanliness, sealing of entry points, and other preventive measures for the best results.

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